Your Milky Way Horoscope Aug. 12-18, 2012

August 4, 2012 at 1:57 pm


By Milky Way Maid



Tallong Crescent Moon 7


We have a New Moon on Friday at 11:54 am at 24 degrees Leo. The Moon is sextile Saturn just before the NM, and the Moon is sextile Mars about 2 hours after the NM. We will be able to put a fair amount of energy (Mars) into a project. We will want to do our duty, tho we probably won’t be too personally involved; that means hiring someone to clean the house or take care of Mom. We might put down a bit of a guilt trip on someone to do something for us, or vice versa.


Venus at 7 degrees Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 5:11 am Wednesday. While the square can mean obsession, the opposition can be any of these: finding a soul mate, all or nothing at all, romantic passion, a transforming love.


Mars is conjunct Saturn at 24 degrees Libra at 6:35 am Wednesday. I well remember having Saturn transit over my natal Mars and how exhausted I felt. Let’s hope this transit does not hit personal natal planets. Mars-Saturn aspects often denote the military or police. It can also have something to do with fear of failure, guilt, getting VERY organized, working out the logistics, ambition or aiming at a goal (either long-term or short-term). You become very focused on accomplishing your mission, regardless of other people’s feelings or other fuzzy stuff like that. If it contacts financial houses, you suddenly buy the bookkeeping software and work out your budget down to the penny. Caution: Mars also denotes debt when in a financial house, so it can also mean being wiped out by interest rates, or erasing a debt.


Mercury direct in Leo trines Uranus at 8 degrees Aries at 7:29 pm Saturday. Mercury trine (or sextile) Uranus is a good time to buy mechanical, electrical, or electronic items such as cars or household appliances. The internet will be the place to be, since Uranus is the hardware, and Mercury is emails and blogging, etc.


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Readers can follow not only their Sun sign horoscope but also the sign of their Ascendant for further clues to how your week will develop. Also note: some aspects are exact on a weekend but may find opportunity for expression on the Friday or Monday nearest the exact aspect. Times given are in Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Savings Time depending on the season.



ARIESMarch 20-April 19 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your fourth and tenth houses; you may feel torn between family and career, possibly with a job that requires long-distance commuting. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on fun, children, and the arts, with your partner figuring prominently in all of the above. Reserve Saturday night either for playing with the kids or indulging your creative side. Or both.



TAURUSApril 20-May 20 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your communication houses, the third and ninth; be very careful to avoid opening suspicious emails lest a nasty virus shut down your computer. Get yourself the best free computer security like Avast antivirus and Glary Utilities cleanup app. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on home and family, possibly with some good news on their health.



GEMINIMay 21-June 20 – The week begins with Moon in Gemini, but only till Monday morning. Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your money houses, the second and eighth; it probably is not a good time to stake everything on one roll of the dice, comprende? Also take care that you are on the right side of the IRS (eighth house). Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on education, possibly for the children rather than yourself altho you might decide to go back to school.



CANCERJune 21-July 22 – The Moon is in its home, Cancer, from 4:27 am Monday till Wednesday afternoon. A Moon-Venus conjunction Monday afternoon means you and a dear pal trade favors. Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your first and seventh houses; you could meet the love of your life, or you could order your mate out the door for good, up to you. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on finances, possibly due to a family venture or a home-based business.



LEOJuly 23-Aug. 22 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your health houses, six and twelve; you could really overdo it and wind up paying for it, health-wise. The Moon is in Leo from 2:05 pm Wednesday till Friday night. You might play emcee Wed. night when the Moon and Mercury converge. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on self and self-image, with the chance to go back to school or to talk about yourself online or to the press.



VIRGOAug. 23-Sept. 22 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in houses five and eleven; friends may not support your creative interests OR an organization may extend a scholarship to study art. The Moon is in Virgo from 8:33 pm Friday through the weekend. Your partner seems really fuzzy-headed Friday night, but you just love him or her anyway. Saturday morning may be spent on crafts or games, and the afternoon is spent with a dear friend.



LIBRASept. 23-Oct. 22 – Sunday may be spent hitting the books if you are in college; but at any rate you work towards a definite goal. Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your fourth and tenth houses; you may feel torn between family and career, possibly with a job that requires long-distance commuting. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on friends and organizations; you could possibly take a leadership role in a club.



SCORPIOOct. 23-Nov. 21 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your communication houses, the third and ninth; be very careful to avoid opening suspicious emails lest a nasty virus shut down your computer. Get yourself the best free computer security like Avast antivirus and Glary Utilities cleanup app. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on career; you could be influential behind the scenes.



SAGITTARIUSNov. 22-Dec. 21 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your money houses, the second and eighth; it probably is not a good time to stake everything on one roll of the dice, comprende? Also take care that you are on the right side of the IRS (eighth house). Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on law or college matters; a friend may act as mentor, or a scholarship could come through.



CAPRICORNDec. 22-Jan. 19 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your first and seventh houses; you could meet the love of your life, or you could order your mate out the door for good, up to you. This theme is also emphasized by the Moon in Cancer on Monday and Tuesday. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on the eighth house (pooled resources); your career or employer will be key in perhaps finding a better insurance plan.



AQUARIUSJan. 20-Feb. 17 – Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in your health houses, six and twelve; you could really overdo it and wind up paying for it, health-wise. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on partnerships, possibly with a good friend or mentor. Your ruler Uranus trines Mercury on Saturday night; you might be perfectly happy taking apart a motor, or enjoy buying some new electronic toy.



PISCESFeb. 18-March 19 – The Moon is in compatible Cancer on Monday and Tuesday, days for fun and creative outlets. Wednesday’s Venus-Pluto opposition occurs in houses five and eleven; friends may not support your creative interests OR an organization may extend a scholarship to study art. The Moon is in Virgo from 8:33 pm Friday through the weekend. Friday’s New Moon in Leo puts a positive accent on health and work, possibly due to a government contract.


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Your Milky Way Horoscope Aug. 5-11, 2012 Moon Void of Course List for the Rest of 2012

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