Archive for July, 2012

Your Milky Way Horoscope Aug. 5-11, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

Venus enters caring Cancer at 9:43 am Tuesday. Venus in the sign of the Crab can be sensitive to the point of being a nuisance – the kind of person who whines that “but I’m so sensitive, you hurt my feeling when you say that!” – they can become impossible to deal with in the workplace if they take everything personally. On the other hand they have a great talent for recognizing the feelings of others, for nurturing, and soothing, and smoothing ruffled feathers.
Venus in Cancer can be a rather passive sign in that they sometimes do not go out looking for love, altho they are able to receive when it comes to them. This holds true unless there are aspects to natal Mars or Uranus. Venus in Cancer is very home-loving to the point where they may prefer to stay at home or work from home. Children with this placement can be difficult to kick out of the nest, since they make themselves useful in the kitchen and in general. Famous people with Venus in Cancer include: ballerina Margot Fonteyn, NY guv Nelson Rockefeller, crooner Dean Martin, former president Harry Truman, trumpeter Louis Armstrong, Constantine of Greece, Princess Anne, “happy warrior” Hubert Humphrey, and author William Styron.
Yay, Mercury goes direct at 1:40 am Wednesday! Mercury will be at 1 degree, 28′ of Leo when it stations. BTW I missed putting up one of my columns the week Mercury went retrograde square to natal Mercury – I had started it and then forgot I still had to finish it. Please accept my humble apologies if I missed a week that was crucial to you.
Venus at 1 degree Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces at 6:34 pm Thursday. This is very much an in-love-with-love aspect, so don’t believe everything a charmer tells ya. Can make you feel a bit spacey, depending on your natal aspects. Great for creativity in the arts, tho it could be fueled by alcohol. Just don’t drive under this aspect if you can help it.
Jupiter is conjunct Vesta at 11 degrees Gemini on Sunday, effective all week. Jove and Vesta are both pretty spiritual planets, with Vesta just being more private about it. You may decide on performing some personal ritual on a regular basis, possibly a New Moon or Full Moon meditation, or a Templar ritual, or something of the sort. Send out a ring of light at the end of the ritual to help heal the world.
COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.
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Continue Reading July 29, 2012 at 6:04 pm Leave a comment

Your Milky Way Horoscope July 29-Aug. 4, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

By now everyone is talking and writing about the Batman movie shooting. Do you have the details to run your own event chart? The Denver Cinema Shooting: July 20, 2012, at 12:39 am, in Denver. THE SHOOTER: James Egan Holmes, born Dec. 13, 1987, time unknown, in San Diego, CA.
Dave Roell of Astro America is a bit puzzled by the event chart because he cannot see a trigger for the event, altho he sees some clues to the timer in Mr. Holmes birth chart.
In my column of July 15-21, I worried over the awful T-square in the New Moon chart. I wrote: “We have a New Moon in Cancer at 12:24 am Thursday. The Moon soon goes void-of-course, but in the hours preceding the New Moon, the Moon squares Saturn in Libra at about 5:30 pm Wednesday – and Mars opposes Uranus at nearly 11 pm Wednesday. So these are not nice n warm-fuzzy aspects kicking off the last month of summer. All these planets mentioned are in cardinal signs, so events could happen very quickly, and hit the news even ahead of the exact aspects. I worry that the Mars-Uranus energy is too accident-prone, even if one is trying to channel that energy into sports or other physical work. Heads up for safety awareness this week!” Now this was not any warning of an event of this magnitude in the US of A, but at least I was not falling into the trap of happy talk no matter what the aspects! The event chart may not have a trigger – or the New Moon itself may be the trigger — I have not studied it yet (having been distracted no end with a personal health problem) but I would make a New Moon chart for Denver and see what that yields.
The Sun at 8 degrees Leo is trine Uranus at 1:21 am July 31. It’s “wind in your hair” time. You break out of your routine, even if that only means taking a different route home, or eating at a new restaurant. You may hit on a way of expressing your unique individuality, finding a place in the Sun or in the spotlight. Welcome new and unusual people into your life – someone who may have an accent or live an alternative lifestyle.
We have a Full Moon in Leo at 11:27 pm on Lammas, August 1. The Moon sextiles Uranus that evening and trines Jupiter within a half-hour after the Full Moon. This is MUCH better than the disturbing New Moon chart.
Venus at 23 degrees Gemini is trine Saturn in Libra at 3:38 am July 31. Venus is at the same degree it was when it went retrograde and this can be a powerful time for Venus to make herself felt. Venus smooths the edges of Saturn’s ambition, so that he can schmooze more easily when networking. Saturn allows you to have only what you need, nothing more – or less. Experience (Saturn) help you to make a little money (Venus).
The Sun at 10 degrees Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini on Thurs., Aug. 2 at 5:56 am. This aspect can bring some modest luck, or put you in the spotlight – which is a favorite place for Leo to be, anyway.

COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

Continue Reading July 25, 2012 at 8:57 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope July 22-28, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

Gotta tell you about my Mercury retrograde experiences this past week. On Thursday night the 12th, the week that Merc went retro, I was all aflutter over a rather expensive item that I could not find. I cast a horary chart for my question over where it was, tho it did not really help right off. Only after the item turned up did the horary make sense. It had Pisces rising and its ruler in the twelfth. Didn’t look good for getting it back, did it? So anyway, it was a footwear item, some custom inserts, and they turned out to be in the winter boots which I had stored in the front closet. Pisces rules shoes, of course. Sometimes a chart is SO OBVIOUS and yet we still can’t get it.
Not to be outdone, computers have been giving me fits lately, too. The point where Mercury made its station, 12 degrees Leo, is near my natal Uranus, ruling computers, and also indicating my aggravation and upset. Plus Uranus also made a station on the 13th. So I was already frustrated over the lost item, and the computer assigned to me at work spent the last two weeks mostly out of commission. Now I am home on Saturday, needed to print something, and try to plug in the power cord for the printer. The plastic plug was broken, so then I had to ask myself if I had another cord or if I had to buy a new one.
The Sun enters its home of Leo at 6:01 am Sunday. Sun in Leo natives are wonderfully warm people. They have a great gift for encouraging and inspiring others. The flaws include demanding attention whether deserved or not, and taking criticism personally. Bored to tears with menial work, repetition, and detail. Affectionate, ambitious, magnetic. Famous people with Sun in Leo include: Jackie Kennedy Onassis, poet Percy Shelley, George Bernard Shaw, comedienne Lucille Ball, chef Julia Child, Casey Stengel, Paul Tillich, Dag Hammarskjold, and the dictators Fidel Castro, Benito Mussolini, and Napoleon.
Retrograde Mercury at 10 degrees Leo sextiles Mars in Libra at 6:55 am Sunday. The aspect is good for eye-hand coordination in sports or crafts (especially if they involve heat or sharp tools, like woodworking, stitchery, woodburning, cooking, etc). Ask someoen to show you how to do that craft skill you need to finish your project. Can set off minor arguments, or verbal “bullets”. You do well at debate.
Retrograde Mercury at 8 degrees Leo trines Uranus at 9:27 am Wednesday. We want to spread the word in a big way, probably via email or internet postings. But with the retrograde, we have to send out a correction 2 minutes later.
The Sun at 6 degrees Leo is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 3:57 pm Saturday. We may talk about ourselves nonstop – and accidentally blurt out something we wanted to keep secret! Also the Sun-Mercury conjunction is one of the key points in the economic cycle, so keep tabs on changes of direction in the stock market, etc.
Jupiter in Gemini squares Chiron in Pisces this week, at 8 to 9 degrees of the signs. If this contacts natal health houses, could send you to a doc for treatment. Let’s hope you get a good one, so check around for good references from friends and such.
Mars at 11 Libra opposes Pallas in Aries, and trines Ceres in Gemini. It’s too dry this summer for a lot of crops, and Pallas may decide she has to do something (Mars) about it PDQ. Couples who are chronically arguing (Mars) may decide they either have to divorce or seek counseling to salvage the good side of their relationship. I am all for getting to the root of the problems and learning new strategies for relating.

COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

Continue Reading July 15, 2012 at 1:45 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope July 8-14, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

Vesta enters Gemini on Monday, 5:25 pm. What does Vesta sacrifice FOR when in Gemini? She is willing to sacrifice for ideas and beliefs. Vesta here also can sacrifice for the sake of their children – occasionally is denotes denial of offspring. Anyway, I see people getting more involved in the presidential campaign this summer, with more discussion of the issues online and while canvassing local neighborhoods. It is also possible that the OWS movement will regain steam. Vesta will be in Gemini till late April of 2013.

Uranus goes retrograde at 5:49 am Friday. It will station at 8 degrees, 32′ of Aries. Let’s talk a bit about Uranus stations and retrograde. Stephanie Clement has some notes on all the planetary retrogrades; about Uranus retrograde she writes: “outward conformist behavior masks inner feelings of non-conformity, or goes out of their way to upset others apple carts.” ( This may be more true of the natal planet than of the transits, although I think many of us will long to break out of their routines and “feel the wind in their hair”. Under the transits we may ignore the prescribed methods of doing things, possibly just to see what the result it. Dane Rudhyar writes of the Uranus stations:
His consciousness is being transformed, his mind transfigured, by the focusing of the Uranian electric flow which shatters and burns away all inertia and fear, all reliance upon tribal, social, or religious security, all sense of satisfaction with self and achievements of self, even those which appear most ‘spiritual’.
Uranus, I have also been told, represents the Christ principle. The Christ does not recognize societal valuations such as one person or class or occupation being of more value than any other. On the soul level, everyone is equal and sacred and has a full right to be here. You find this thread in Buddhist thought also, when for example as an exercise one is asked to meet everyone on the soul level for just one day – as a start, anyway. May I suggest to my readers that they try out this exercise for at least one day, and preferably a week, while Uranus is retrograde or stationing?
More from Rudhyar:
Uranus needs no longer be regarded as a power of negative disruption, even though its Visitations may still shake the reoriented personality to the very core of its being, and may be annunciations of eventual liberation from the earth-born body. Uranus, at this stage of the Illumined Road, is a power of transfiguration. It releases light through the personality aglow with the mystery of spiritual gestation – the light of fulfillment.

Mercury at 12 degrees Leo sextiles Venus in Gemini at 6:41 pm Saturday. We just had this same aspect on May 3, before Venus went retrograde (they are both direct again now). Retrogrades indicate going back over the same ground, so check your diaries or appointment books to see what the issues were that week. Mercury and retrograde Venus were conjunct on June 1; see if that date is significant, too. Parents who have children with reading problems may see them benefit from reading programs or storytelling

Hold on to your hats again, Mercury goes retrograde at 10:16 pm Saturday – Mercury will station at 12 degrees, 33′ of Leo. It will turn direct on August 8. Mercury retrograde asks us to correct our way of thinking, to check our assumptions, to ask ourselves if we are plugging in the right data in the equation – or even using the right equation. One of the upsides is that often during the retrograde we FIND OUT information that contradicts what we had assumed without even thinking about it – sometimes we find out these things BY ACCIDENT which is also a good way of describing Merc retrograde, too. That gives us an opportunity to back out of an agreement or move before signing any papers (we hope). That this station occurs in Leo is almost funny, because Leo tends to boss others around, and here it may turn out that Leo does not have the facts at his fingertips like he thinks he does.
A heads-up for the cardinal signs – the Sun at 23 degrees Cancer will square Saturn in Libra just after midnight Sunday am, July 15. This may be a frustrating time for all the cardinal signs especially if they have either Cancer, Libra, Aries or Capricorn on the angles in their natal charts. Not a good time to beat your head against a brick wall, so take out your frustrations on a punching bag or pillow or mass of bread dough.

ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

Continue Reading July 1, 2012 at 5:16 pm

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