Archive for November, 2018

What’s Cooking for December 10 (or so) in Trump clan???

Pluto will be conjunct Jared Kushner’s Sun, while it also opposes Donald Jr’s ascendant. I’d like to remind people that Pluto has been nicknamed the wipeout planet for good reason; it is possible that they will both be served indictments, or face arrest, seizure or freezing of accounts. Pluto can conceal or it can reveal the devastating truth.
The Pluto transit over one’s natal Sun can play out over the course of about a year and a half, so Kushner’s exact transit may or may not show up in the December headlines. Pluto also governs generational issues from genetics to inheritance.

Continue Reading November 26, 2018 at 7:59 pm

Comparison of Trump Birth Chart to George Washington Inaugural

Many people have run birth charts on Donald J. Trump in the past two years, also charts on his announcement he was running for president and on his own inauguration (which BTW was very poorly attended despite his protestations to the contrary). But I don’t think I have seen anyone compare his chart to the George Washington inaugural which I feel is a key chart for determining the merits of a candidate. The other charts I mentioned may show what kind of person he or she is, or what kind of candidate he or she is, but the GWI chart comparison should show what kind of president he or she will be, and whether he or she will be good for the country.

Continue Reading November 14, 2018 at 9:14 pm

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A gift to my lovely readers —

As a special gift to my readers I thought you might enjoy some background music. A terrific writer and geek found these archived radio recordings of the Beatles for a Swedish radio show way back when. He cleaned them up a bit and edited them, and here they are. Five songs in cool condition. So turn up the volume alright already.

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