Archive for April, 2012

Your Milky Way Horoscope May 6-12, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

Mercury enters Taurus at 1:14 am Wednesday. Mercury in the sign of the Bull can have a mental block about accepting the value of other people’s ideas. But once he does give as much value to other’s ideas as his own, he can move forward and develop his own projects, etc. Tends to learn best from actual experience so help your Taurus child to do simple home experiments. Mercury in Taurus can be gifted at math, music, finance, art collecting, jewelry and other objects of beauty. People born with Mercury in Taurus include: Margot Fonteyn (ballet), Henry Fonda, Barbra Streisand, Richard Wagner, J William Fulbright, Henry Luce, Otto Klemperer (conducting), Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Willem de Kooning (art), Willie Mays (baseball).
Mars is inconjunct Uranus in Aries at 2:45 am Tuesday. The inconjunct is an awkward aspect which demands that one adjust in some way. Uranus is electrical and mechanical – I am thinking some of us may have to rewire their homes or offices – or simply move some plugs to avoid overloading any one circuit. There is a chance of a breakthrough in energy supplies.
Mercury at 2 degrees Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces at 6 pm Thursday. You may catch yourself day-dreaming today, but that’s OK. You can latch onto insights into others that you would never arrive at in any “logical” way. Intuition is activated – and this is useful on many levels: trying to understand what a note means, or trying to figure out where your receiver will be on the football field. Go with the flow.
The Sun will conjunct Jupiter at 23 degrees Taurus on Sunday, May 13. Just giving you a heads up on this. Should be pretty significant for most earth signs and fixed signs even if you don’t have a natal planet in exact aspect. Wonderful opportunities could open up – look around you.
COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

Continue Reading April 29, 2012 at 6:14 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 29-May 5, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

The Sun at 9 degrees Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn at 9:34 am Sunday. Time to focus on your goals and on taking back control of your life. Use affirmations or other techniques to help you re-program your brain for what you want to accomplish.
Vesta enters Taurus at 12:48 pm Monday. Vesta in Taurus is torn between duty and personal desires. They may want one thing, and feel compelled to sacrifice themselves on an alter and do another thing. It’s a period when natives may spread themselves pretty thin doing too much – taking care of a parent, for example, while working in a demanding career. Or a native may cancel a vacation to take over a soup kitchen in an emergency. They enjoy baking bread and being a real Earth Mother.
Mercury at 21 degrees Aries sextiles Venus in Gemini at 11 pm Thursday. It becomes easier to talk about your affection for another person – holding hands is fun. We enjoy a leisurely drive to see spring color. Recharge your batteries by visiting nature or indulging your creative side – the hands (Mercury, Gemini) are more adept and skillful.
We have a Full Moon at 11:35 pm Saturday. The Sun-Moon opposition is not exact at the time the Kentucky Derby is run that afternoon. However, the Mercury-Saturn opposition at 24 degrees Aries/Libra is in effect all day. I think the experts (Saturn) will see the results of the race come out very different from what they expected. The news (Mercury) will be totally different from what they projected; expect the unexpected. I have given up putting out my analysis of this race, since there was little interest in it.
And that Mercury opposition to Saturn I mentioned above. This kind of opposition is where your way of thinking runs up against a brick wall. You’re told everything you ever believed is wrong, wrong, wrong. However, is great for finding a tutor, professor, or mentor who has a LOT to teach you. You’ll hate this aspect, but you will learn so much you would have ignored otherwise.
COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

Continue Reading April 21, 2012 at 7:40 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 22-28, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

The Sun at 2 degrees Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces at 5:18 am Sunday. A good day to express some Neptune energy into the world. Volunteer for a couple hours, go to church, express your ideals, funnel your creativity and imagination into an artistic project, etc.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 6 degrees Aries at 4:29 pm Sunday. We get a great idea for a way to float an idea on the internet. A tweet just explodes into global consciousness. Ideas seem to float of their own accord from one’s brain to the web to the world. Might not be a good time on the practical level since this much electrical energy could blow out fuses and transformers, dontcha think?
The Sun at 4 degrees Taurus trines Mars in Virgo at 9 pm Monday. Neither Taurus nor Virgo is normally pictured as a ‘ball of fire’ but that could change temporarily under this transit. They could both pick up that ball and run with it right to the end zone. Good time to start a building project in particular. Likely expression would be a practical application of materials and information to create action with a tangible goal.
Mercury at 9 degrees Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn at 10:51 am Wednesday. The ability to focus and “drill down” while researching issues can be awesome. Someone may try to coerce your thinking, or vice versa; ideological struggle. A time that favors digging beneath surface using psychology, astrology, tarot, or any related technique that probes beneath the surface. Some danger of obsessive thoughts, tho.
The Sun conjunct Ceres at 6 degrees Taurus later in the week boosts your ability to tap into inner resources. You produce things that others want and need. The aspect is significant for getting centered (or grounded, very appropriate for an earth sign!) again so you move, act, and feel from your true inner self.
The Sun at 8 degrees Taurus is sextile Chiron in Pisces Saturday. Taureans may benefit from water therapies such as sauna, whirlpool, or hot-and-cold-water treatments. Donating a bit of time to a local non-profit can be very rewarding.
COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

Continue Reading April 16, 2012 at 4:29 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 15-21, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

Mercury enters Aries at 6:42 pm Monday. Mercury in Aries has a very witty and quick mind, although he may be too impatient to sit down and focus on lessons or homework. Parents may have to stand over them to make sure homework is done, possibly coaching them thru it. Mercury in Aries is kind of like in Leo because they both tend to order people around. It is far better to master the art of motivating people to reach the targets you draw on the chalkboard. And Aries can be very, very good at that. Use carrots instead of sticks, in other words.
Famous people with Mercury in Aries include Albert Einstein, Copernicus, Queen Elizabeth II, Will Shakespeare, Toscanini, Van Gogh, and many more.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Taureans! The Sun enters Taurus at 12:12 pm Thursday. Jupiter is still in your sun-sign, so baby bulls should be lucky if a bit pudgy. See the notes on the New Moon for more . . .
A New Moon touches 1 and a half degrees of Taurus at 3:18 am Saturday, April 21. The Sun-Moon conjunction will probably be in your third house (depending on your latitude, etc.), emphasizing communications and short trips. The lights trine Mars in Virgo (in direct motion now), providing improved health and energy, charging your batteries and revving up your engines. (One caution: since Mars opposes Neptune, you may have to conserve your energies and make sure to get to bed at a reasonable hour. You may also benefit from dance, rhythmic exercise or yoga.) They sextile Neptune in its home of Pisces, and since it will probably fall in people’s first house, this emphasizes a glamorous sheen and artistic abilities. They are inconjunct the North Node in Sag in the tenth house; I interpret the inconjunct as “the worm turns” and those who have been without a job will obtain a pretty nice position. You may even hit on a measure of fame. The lights are also conjunct Ceres at 4 degrees Taurus, promising fresh starts and productive projects. Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the second house, providing a lot of mental energy and stimulation about how to make, harness and manage your resources. (They are in semi-sextile aspect to the lights.) It is also nice that all the planets are direct except Pluto (which spends a great deal of time retrograde anyway.)
COOL LINK ALERT! Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:
ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:
ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.
ALSO – check out — free lessons online

Continue Reading April 9, 2012 at 1:25 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 8-14, 2012

By Milky Way Maid

Happy Easter, everybody!
Venus at 5 degrees Gemini is sextile Uranus in Aries at 12:51 pm Monday. Venus-Uranus aspects put us into contact with strangers, people who speak foreign languages, or people with unusual (to us) ways of dressing, acting, thinking. The sextile denotes positive interactions, fondness – we may become dear friends with someone very different from ourselves.
Mercury at 26 degrees Pisces is inconjunct Saturn in Libra at 3:16 am Thursday. The inconjunct denotes having to alter something; sometimes this means rearranging the furniture (literally or metaphorically). So this aspect means that the experts, the pros (Saturn) are forced to alter the way they think about something, possibly to alter the way they measure something. In Pisces, the “thing” could be religious ideas, ideals vs “real life”, hope vs a Virgoan cool analysis, etc.
Mars at 3 degrees, 41′ Virgo goes direct at 11:53 pm Friday. Times when planets go retrograde and direct are very important for us to take note of – and not just Mercury. Venus retrograde periods can denote a “change of heart”. The Jupiter retrograde period is a time to broaden the mind and raise one’s consciousness. So with the Mars retrograde, it is a phase in which we – to the outer world, at least – seemed to slack off. But inside, we are recharging our batteries, and will return to the fray much refreshed and eager to get back to work-life-sports, etc. We may arrive at a new goal for ourselves, and apply all our new-found energies to achieving it. Note how the direct station degree contacts your natal planets. I have been ill during the retrograde (nothing major), and the direct station degree makes an aspect to my natal Mars, so I am rather looking forward to a renewal of energy very soon. Let’s hope so, at least!
We are being a given a gift of two planetary stations within two weeks this month. Let’s make a conscious effort to apply them to good, worthwhile projects and careers.
Venus at 9 degrees Gemini is inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn at 12:52 pm Saturday. Another inconjunct! Aaaeeiii! Compare to the inconjunct described above. Pluto is the “powers-that-be” which may be influences operating behind the scenes. Venus is values as well as love; Venus also rules the Dollar, sugar and other sweets, butter, cattle, music, art, fine furniture and cabinetry, etc. In other words, most of the things that make life comfortable. It could be that the modern robber barons feel they need to raise prices of certain commodities for an improved profit picture?
I started putting up some info related to the 2012. Have to dig up stuff on candidate birth dates and make up a few charts for them.

Continue Reading April 2, 2012 at 3:39 pm

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A gift to my lovely readers —

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