Archive for April, 2014

Your Milky Way Horoscope May 4-10, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

The Sun at 15 degrees Taurus sextiles Jupiter in Cancer at 5:54 am Tuesday. This is a very nice transit for Taureans although they are too likely to use it to visit the all-you-can-eat buffet down the street. (I can get away with saying that because I am a Taurus!) You might choose to celebrate your birthday with friends on this day since everything seems to be going your way, everyone wishes you well or helps you, and you are in a cheerful, buoyant mood. Enjoy it while you can because Saturday will be a bear!

Mercury enters its home sign Gemini at 10:57 am Wednesday. Mercury in Gemini is a chatterbox and a flirt. This Mercury tends to flit from one topic to another; he can be dazzling as quicksilver but doesn’t get into deep conversations. A trivia king or queen. Is very quick to catch on to new information and how to use it, and can be very good at communicating information or directing people on where to find it. Often has a gift for languages or math. Can make a great secretary, clerk, teacher, librarian, linguist, editor, printer or newscaster. Famous people with Mercury in Gemini include: Bobby Darin, William Styron, Robert McNamara, Bob Hope, Audrey Hepburn, and Laurence Rockefeller.

The Sun at 19 to 20 degrees Taurus opposes Saturn in Scorpio at 2:28 pm Saturday. The sun in any sign opposing Saturn hits a milestone of some kind. One may have to say goodbye to people or places, or move, or change jobs, or retire. Check your natal chart to see if this contacts a natal planet, and what house that planet rules, for hints as to what may be in store for you. The good news is that a new cycle begins, but first it can be plenty frustrating because roadblocks seem designed to drive you crazy.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

Continue Reading April 29, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 27 — May 3, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

We have a lovely New Moon eclipse at 8 degrees, 52′ Taurus (a critical degree in fixed signs) at 2:14 am Tuesday. Fixed signs are very hard to dislodge from a position of comfort in their lives (OK, we might call them ruts instead) but when something like an eclipse happens on a critical degree like this, something is sure to happen. The Moon later trines Pluto and sextiles Jupiter, so let’s hope that events are positive and constructive.

Also on Tuesday, Mercury at 13 degrees Taurus trines Pluto at 1:29 pm. Mercury with Pluto is the detective, the researcher, the forensic investigator. The urge is to get to the bottom of whatever is the focus of your attention. Of course, for many of us this transit will just give us a pleasant time reading the latest murder mystery.

Mercury at 14 degrees sextiles Jupiter in Cancer at 4:32 pm Wednesday. Mercury, as many of you might know, is the lower octave of Jupiter in terms of education. Mercury rules practical knowledge that you can use every day, such as how to use the computer or smart phone. Jupiter is more the theoretical knowledge that is taught in colleges or applied to higher endeavors like medicine or space exploration. So in other words, this transit is great for starting a class or sitting down to a seminar or meetup session. And with Cancer there, you will certainly remember what you learn for years to come.

Mercury at 20 degrees Taurus opposes Saturn in Scorpio at 8:56 pm Friday. Mercury and Saturn should be compatible when in good aspect; it can help you when tackling subjects like science or law. In opposition, you may lean toward “what everybody says” when the actual science (Saturn) says something completely different. The tendency is to have a bad case of the gloomies under this transit. You may even consider breaking up with someone, but you are not in an objective frame of mind; you are seeing only the negatives. Try to distract yourself with some hard work and then some funny movies.

Venus enters Aries at 9:21 pm Friday. Venus in Aries is flashy with her red shoes and purse, and dashes around town in a cute little car. Takes the initiative in social situations. That means that for example, they are not shy about going up to someone and introducing themselves. It means that they will go door to door recruiting and organizing people for a block rummage or block party. A mature Aries personality uses this gift to encourage others to become self-sufficient and assertive, while presenting their message in a sensitive way. In love matters, Aries tends to choose on the basis of mental qualities, although physical fitness is also a must. Famous people with Venus in Aries include: Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Abe Lincoln, John Lennon, Willem de Kooning, Julie Christie, J Robert Oppenheimer, Henry Luce, Robert Frost, Mia Farrow, Laurence Rockefeller, and Ted Kennedy.

The Sun at 13 degrees Taurus trines Pluto at 8:34 pm Saturday. I remember a transit that was exact on one Kentucky Derby day years ago, when the Moon was trine Pluto. Silver Charm won that day. Now we have a Sun trine Pluto on Derby day, and I am not sure what horse’s name reflects that. Could be We Miss Artie, named for an Artie (Sun) who has passed on (Pluto). Unfortunately Artie is given almost no chance in the Derby because he seems to be a total grass and synth specialist.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

Continue Reading April 22, 2014 at 11:00 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 20-26, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

Happy Easter, everybody! Hope the Easter Bunny hopped over to your house and left you lots of nice things.

The Grand Square tightens this week. Jupiter in Cancer squares Uranus and opposes Pluto on Sunday. Uranus in Aries squares Pluto on Monday. Mars in Libra squares Jupiter on Tuesday. Mars opposes Uranus and squares Pluto on Wednesday. All of these occur on 13 degrees of the cardinal signs, a critical degree and a world degree. It would not surprise me if the Russia-Ukraine issue breaks wide open. It would not surprise me if the giant El Nino forming these last several weeks sets off a deluge and mudslides in California. Anything can happen, and natives of the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will all feel the effect the most.

Mercury enters Taurus at 5:16 am Wednesday. Mercury in Taurus can be amazingly plodding and literal-minded. They are not bad students but they may need time to turn ideas around in their heads before the light goes on; sometimes they are better students when they can try things hands-on rather than just reading words on a page. But once they have learned something, they know in backwards and forwards and inside out. Is most interested in tangible results and practical applications of ideas. Can be very stubborn, taking years to change his or her mind about something. A well-aspected Mercury here can indicate a pleasing voice, either for speaking or singing.
FAMOUS people with Mercury in Taurus include: ballerina Margot Fonteyn, Henry Fonda, Barbra Streisand, composer Richard Wagner, Eddie Arnold, J. William Fulbright, conductor Otto Klemperer, Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Willie Mays, Nikolai Lenin, painter Willem de Kooning.

Venus at 21 degrees Pisces trines Saturn in Scorpio at 1:15 am Friday. Venus and Saturn work together surprisingly well. Venus smooths over the ambition of Saturn, and helps him schmooze with influential people. Saturn gets serious about love, and may formalize (Saturn) a relationship with an engagement ring or wedding.

The Sun is conjunct Mercury at 6 degrees Taurus at 11:27 pm Friday. Sun with Mercury is a key turning point in the market cycle, so pay attention to Wall Street news that day. Natives with the conjunction can be intellectually brilliant, or great salesmen who are convincing at putting across their message.

Mercury at 7 degrees Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces at 1:27 pm Saturday. Even the favorable aspects between Mercury and Neptune can cause a lot of confusion. However, this transit might be a help at playing music that requires accurate fingering such as clarinet or a stringed instrument. Can be helpful in arts and crafts that requires color sense or following a chart or instructions.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

Continue Reading April 19, 2014 at 9:00 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 13-19, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

Much is being made of the Blood Moon – the Full Moon Eclipse of April 15 at 3:42 am, at 25 degrees 16′ Libra. It is accompanied by Mercury at 13 degrees Aries square Pluto in Capricorn at 12:12 am the same day. Mercury is applying to an opposition to Mars at 16 degrees Libra (retrograde) at 7:15 am Wednesday. A Grand Square is in effect — Not only the Mars in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, but also Mercury and Uranus in Aries, plus Jupiter in Cancer. So obviously the cardinal sign natives are going to be super-stressed, um, I mean super CHALLENGED by events of the next five or six months, the period of time that the eclipse will be in effect. (Let me also point out that 13 degrees of cardinal signs is a critical degree – things really start to happen, and because they are in cardinal signs, these events may already be in motion at the time of the eclipse!)
I can attest to the fact that this eclipse will be felt even by those who are not Sun-sign members of the cardinals. The cardinal signs occupy my health houses, and things have been building up regarding health matters since late December, and I can no longer work. I will soon be facing more medical interventions over the summer, and can only hope that my docs will do the job right this time around. I have natal planets and asteroids (Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Juno and Pallas) being aspected by eclipse transits.
Venus at 13 degrees Pisces trines Jupiter in Cancer at 9:19 pm Thursday. Venus is a natural ally of Jupiter; you might call them Sugar Baby and Sugar Daddy. Examples of things that could happen on this day: The slot machine actually pays out when you put some coins in! Your grouchy boss buys lunch for the whole department! When you are called to the payments desk at the auto shop, there is no charge for the minor repair! OR, you overdo it at the bar or candy counter and get sick as a dog! Or you might go on a whopper of a spending spree and rue the day when the bills come!
Venus at 13 degrees Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn at 5:24 am Friday. Romance takes a very intense turn under this transit. If you have someone over for dinner, be sure there are clean sheets on the bed.
The Sun enters Taurus at 11:56 pm Saturday, sneaking in a few minutes before midnight. Sun in Taurus natives are often accused of being lazy but that is just not the case. All the earth signs are generally very hard-working and tend to enjoy physical labor. But Taurus wants to pile up some material security as a result of his hard work, otherwise he just doesn’t see the point. Taurus also eventually gets interested in non-materialistic values, such as fair play, kindness, music and other arts and crafts. Whether a Taurean sings on stage or in a glee club, plays a piano or spoons, their creative expressions tend to raise the spirits of those around them. Taurus is generally gifted with common sense and a natural caution. “One step at a time” is the way Taurus reaches his or her goals. They generally have the patience of a farmer, who plants his seeds months before seeing the harvest. As the sign of the throat, they tend to prefer jewelry that either dangles toward the jaw or around the neck – earrings and necklaces in other words, but not bracelets. The best exercise for a Taurus to practice is called “pushing oneself away from the table.” Assuming they can control their weight, the next most likely health threat comes from the neck, either catching colds from an unwrapped neck, or thyroid problems, or jaw problems such as TMJ.
Famous people with the Sun in Taurus include: William Shakespeare, Carol Burnett, Irving Berlin, Fred Astaire, Queen Elizabeth II, Harry Truman, Barbra Streisand, Bing Crosby, Tchaikovsky, Elena Kagan, George Clooney, and Cher.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

Continue Reading April 15, 2014 at 11:47 pm

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A gift to my lovely readers —

As a special gift to my readers I thought you might enjoy some background music. A terrific writer and geek found these archived radio recordings of the Beatles for a Swedish radio show way back when. He cleaned them up a bit and edited them, and here they are. Five songs in cool condition. So turn up the volume alright already.

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