Posts tagged ‘sports astrology’

What Do the Stars Say About Super Bowl 2011?

by Milky Way Maid
At last we come to the Super Bowl 2011, the premier game day in all of pro football and an unofficial mid-winter holiday. It is a peak day for TV viewing, eating, drinking, betting on the outcome, watching TV commercials, and all the other hoopla that accompanies this event.
But let’s concentrate on the game, and on what the stars might say about the outcome.
First, let’s look at the ascendant which represents the home team or the favorite. There is no home team in the Super Bowl, so we will try to scope out which team is the fave later in this article. Right now,let’s just examine the aspects.
The date: Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011. Kickoff will be approximately 5:25 pm CT in Dallas Stadium, which is in Arlington, TX (halfway between Dallas and Ft. Worth).
That makes the ascendant 10 degrees Leo, with no aspects. This is quite startling for a major game like this.
The midheaven is 3 degrees Taurus, square Mercury in the sixth house. It is also trine Venus exactly in the fifth house (the game plan) with Pluto nearby. It is also sextile the South Node in the eleventh house of hopes/wishes. I think the quarterback will be the main story of the day, a youngish and attractive one. That seems to point to up-and-comer Aaron Rodgers rather than older veteran Ben Roethlisberger.

The ascendant ruler is the Sun in Aquarius; it is placed in the seventh house with Mars conjunct. That gives it high energy and vitality, although prone to accidents and temper tantrums. However, the Sun is trine retrograde Saturn in Libra, giving it the discipline to harness all that energy. Also the Sun is semisquare Venus in the fifth house, and semisquare Jupiter in the ninth house — that puts the Sun at the midpoint of Venus/Jupiter in other words. I am not experienced in using midpoints so I will leave the interpretation of that to others, although it does look auspicious.

Continue Reading February 1, 2011 at 4:45 pm Leave a comment

What Do the Stars Say About this Weekend’s Final NFL Playoffs? (2011)

by Milky Way Maid
The NFL is winding up the playoffs this weekend with two games on Sunday, Jan. 23, 2011. From what I can see of the astrological signatures, there is a good chance of at least one upset this weekend. And unfortunately, the president’s choice (Bears) is in danger of failing to advance to the Super Bowl.
The first game Sunday is a Central Division battle between the wild card Green Bay Packers at Chicago Bears at 2 pm CT. The ascendant is at 28 Gemini; sometimes very late degrees favor an upset more than not. The ascendant is conjunct the South Node, square the Moon exactly in the fourth house, and square Uranus-Jupiter in the tenth house. Also it trines Neptune exactly in the ninth house near the midheaven. Strong squares usually help a football team to hold the line and score points. But this chart is rather weak, using non-planetary points like the nodes, and a mutable moon. The square to Jupiter and Uranus in the tenth could help the Bears put some points on the board, though. We shall see.
… Oh, Mr. Cutler is not looking very good this Sunday. I gotta go with with the Packers and Mr. Rodgers, who has some powerful aspects to his North Node.

Continue Reading January 22, 2011 at 9:45 am Leave a comment

Sports Astrology looks at January 15-16, 2011 NFL Playoffs

Sports astrology often has interesting things to say in describing sports events and the performances of key players. Last week I looked at the results of the wild card playoffs of the NFL. In most cases, the key lay with the transits to the starting quarterbacks of the respective teams. So let’s look at this weekend’s games and see what is in store for Misters Flacco, Roethlisberger, Rodgers, Ryan, Hasselbeck, Cutler, Sanchez, and Brady.

Continue Reading January 16, 2011 at 12:25 pm Leave a comment

Interesting Sports Astrology Charts Hinted at NFL Playoff Upsets

by Milky Way Maid
This past weekend saw both NFL teams that contested last year’s Super Bowl both eliminated in the wild-card playoffs.
The Indianapolis Colts were edged by the NY Jets by a mere point on Saturday night, 17-16. Saturday afternoon saw the New Orleans Saints defeated by the Seattle Seahawks, 41-36.
Sunday’s playoffs were generally more formful. Green Bay beat the Eagles, 21-16. And the Baltimore Ravens demolished the Kansas City Chiefs, 30-7.
Let’s look at each of the 4 playoff game charts and at the quarterbacks to get some clues about the outcome.
On Saturday, Jan. 8, the Saints met the Seattle Seahawks in Seattle at 1:30 pm PT. The Ascendant was at 4.5 degrees Gemini, opposite Venus in the sixth house. It was also inconjunct Pluto in the eighth house. The Midheaven was at 5 degrees Aquarius and it was a bit odd that there were no major aspects to it at all. There was only a semisextile to Pluto.
The Seahawks’ ruler as the home team was Mercury, which squared the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the eleventh house. Mercury was also sextile Neptune in the tenth house. So Seattle was very fortunate to have good aspects not only to the Ascendant, but also to its ruler Mercury.
Seattle benefited from the opposition to Venus, who shed her beneficial rays toward them, and also from the Mercury square to Jupiter-Uranus, which gave great luck and unexpected turns to the game. Mercury can be youthful players, good catches, agility, speedy play-calling or audible-calling, and footwork. Gemini is quick, lightning quick, and brings an exuberance to the way the game is played.
The Saints’ ruler was Jupiter, which benefited from the conjunction to Uranus, too. It was also square Mercury (good agility and quickness of play), trine Venus (some luck, favorable calls from referees, etc), and sextile Mars (fine athletic skill and stamina).

Continue Reading January 10, 2011 at 3:31 pm Leave a comment

Saints to Upset Colts in 2010 Super Bowl? Sports astrology looks at the Quarterbacks

A few words about the sports astrology of today’s Super Bowl between the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints in Miami Florida.
COLTS qb Payton Manning: SU= 3 Ari. MO= mid Cap. ME= 25 Pis. VE= 11 Pis. MA= 2 Can. JU= 29 Ari. SA=26 Can. UR= 6 Sco. NE= 14 Sag. PL = 10 Lib ret. NN= 13 Sco.
Manning’s natal Sun in Aries is trine Mars in Leo, opposite Saturn in Libra. That opposition can be very frustrating for him and make him feel that nothing he does is right, or like he just cannot get going. The Pluto square is also problematic. Moon is possibly near the transiting North Node. His Mars a 2 degrees Cancer is just not connected to this game chart. His Jupiter at 29 Aries makes no exact aspects to this game chart, either, though we have wide trines to the Leo ascendant and to Mercury in Capricorn. I do not see this game as his finest hour. I could be wrong, because Saturn can also be honors as well as frustration and failure, but he will have to reach down deep for everything he’s got to pull off a win.
SAINTS qb Drew Brees: SU= 24 Cap. MO= 12 Leo. ME= 9 Cap. VE= 7 Sag. MA= 25 Cap. JU= 5 Leo. SA= 13 Vir ret. UR= 20 Sco. NE= 19 Sag. PL= 19 Lib NN= 18.42 Vir.
Now let’s look at Drew Brees. His sun is at 24 Capricorn (conjunct his natal Mars at 25 Capricorn, giving him a double dose of this vibration), inconjunct the Leo ascendant and conjunct Mercury, near the North Node, and sextile Uranus. The inconjunct to the ascendant is a bit worrying, but it may mean that he engineers the upset due to the fact that the Saints are underdogs in this Super Bowl. The Saints have never won a Super Bowl and this can be the year that they finally add that to their resume.
Brees’ Moon is at 12 Leo, exactly trine the kickoff moon at 12 Sag. His Jupiter is at 5 Leo, conjunct the transiting Mars at 6 Leo, retrograde. A Mars-Jupiter conjunction or square is extremely powerful in a sports chart, giving one a supercharged athletic effort that carries one beyond the expected performance level. His Jupiter is also inconjunct transiting Jupiter, sextile Saturn, and inconjunct Pluto.
I cannot say definitely if this is positive or negative, because it can go either way. BUT I do think that it is possible his performance this day will be a fateful one, and will determine the success of his team. Given the other highly positive indicators already cited, I think that it is very possible the Saints pull off the upset and send the Colts packing.

Continue Reading February 7, 2010 at 4:44 pm

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