Archive for January, 2013

2012 in review — the Annual Report, summarized

WOW!!! My blog here is closing in on 100,000 views! That is peanuts to a lot of big-time bloggers, but to a small operation like mine that started from nothing and with no publicity or networking, this is amazing. Thanks to everyone who helped to spread the word. Below is a summary of my WordPress Annual Report. — MWM


The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 30,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 7 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

January 27, 2013 at 7:42 pm Leave a comment

Your Milky Way Horoscope Feb. 3-9, 2013

By Milky Way Maid

Mars at 2 degrees Pisces is conjunct Neptune at 3:57 pm Monday. The worst aspect between these two planets is the conjunction, because if it touches natal planets it can drain your energy to the last drop.
Mercury enters Pisces at 9:56 am Tuesday. Mercury in Pisces can be a quick learner because it just absorbs things like a sponge, rather than consciously studying material. Mercury here can also be very intuitive but afraid to share her impressions; however, mature Pisceans are able to share not just a impressions but fully detailed visions of how the world could be. Afflicted Mercuries can overpower one with fantasies or even delusion. But well-aspected Mercuries can be a sign of a powerful imagination that yields artistic treasures. Can be careless and share gossip without realizing the damage that is done. Famous people with Mercury in Pisces include: author Victor Hugo, Abraham Lincoln, justice Earl Warren, actor Sidney Poitier, and political dreamer Eugene McCarthy.
Venus at 5 degrees Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries at 2:08 pm Wednesday. These Venus-Uranus aspects make us meet all sorts of fascinating people, most of whom just pass through our lives – but they sure are thrilling while they are around. Uranus types include foreigners, people with unusual ideas or ways of dressing, astrologers and psychologists, and of course computer geeks and electricians. Venus finds them oh so charming.
Mercury at 2 degrees Pisces is conjunct Neptune at 6 pm sharp on Wednesday, altho Neptune always tends to run late, ha ha. This is sure to snarl some communications. Either the cell drops calls, or the fax runs out of toner, or the emails go into the spam file and never get read.
Venus at 6 degrees Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini at 12:58 am Thursday, which means you might stay up late eating that stash of Twinkies you snatched up when the announcement came thru that the Hostess snack company was closing up. Venus is sweets and Jupiter is overdoing, so you really could get sick on candies or bakery.
Mercury at 5 degrees Pisces is conjunct angry Mars at 12:57 pm Friday. Mercury conjunct Mars is perfect shorthand for fierce arguments – although it also can mean brisk debate. This is not the time to inquire about a broken promise or a loan not repaid or why your man doesn’t spend enough time with you. Now, having said that, Pisces has generally a dampening effect on this kind of aspect, so Pisces will get really angry, and then slump down on the couch bemoaning how awful people are to her all the time. Sob, sob.
People in the Pacific time zone will see the New Moon Saturday night at 11:20 pm. People in the Eastern time zone will see the NM at 2:20 am. It will be at 21 degrees, 43′ of Aquarius, and usher in the Chinese year of the Snake. Accompanied by Mars square Jupiter, the NM heralds a period of risk-taking – what kind of risk-taking depends on where it falls in your chart. An article on the Chinese year of the Snake can be found here:

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

GREAT WEBSITES – In no particular order of importance: Check out — free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column:
This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at

Continue Reading January 27, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope Jan. 27-31- Feb. 2, 2013

By Milky Way Maid

Jupiter goes Stationary Direct at 6:37 am on Wednesday. While Jupiter was retrograde, we had an opportunity to break away from the rigid kind of rote thinking that we grew up with as part of our local culture. We were exposed to other ways of thinking and philosophizing, other values that were possibly more evolved. And not when Jove goes direct we have an opportunity to consciously choose our way of living, working, thinking and moralizing. Consciousness is the key. Whereas before, we did something because that was how mom or dad or our third-grade teacher or our best friend did it – but now we choose another way, a way that we hope and believe is a better way because it is more evolved, and we want the whole human race to make it to the next century.
The Sun in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio at 5:49 pm Wednesday. Fixed signs, especially Aquarians, will be frustrated and blocked and generally feel like they are in a cage. Now it may be that they think the cage they are in is a bit larger than they thought; they could benefit from clarifying just what is expected of them. The self (Sun) will still have to follow directions and stick to the plan, and might have to explain itself if it strays even a teeny bit from the plan. If you live with or love any of the fixed signs, please be extra kind – let them out to play in the sun a bit, and make sure there’s dessert in the frig.
Mars enters watery Pisces at 8:54 pm Friday. Mars in Pisces is neither favored nor hobbled by being in Pisces, where it is neither the ruler nor exalted – altho it does tend to be passive, and these people would rather follow than lead. Some of those with Mars in Pisces really believe that they are the only ones who have received the only valid spiritual vision, and refuse the insights of others. A mature Pisces is able to share their experiences and get others to share their insights with all, too. As a performer or politician, may have a knack for inspiring empathy by the audience. May be better suited for artistic expression. Famous people with Mars in Pisces include: John Steinbeck, Elizabeth Taylor, Leslie Uggams, comedienne Carol Channing, Hubert Humphrey, painter Vincent Van Gogh, James Baldwin, songwriter Jule Styne, Henry Luce, Prince Edward, and Gertrude Stein.
Venus enters airy and impersonal Aquarius at 9:47 pm Friday. Venus in Aquarius is quite able to train itself into such a level of detachment that they forget how to relate to anyone on a personal level. On the positive side, this Venus is able to retain a sense of inner freedom even in the middle of the most intimate relationships. This Venus knows she has freely chosen to love this person and to stay with this person, and so feels no chains on her. Some of Venus’ usual passion is transmuted into a love of humanity, will seek out some kind of mission for herself to accomplish in the world, for the world. In the arts, Venus in Aquarius most likes music, especially forms with accented rhythms or which come from foreign cultures. Famous people with Venus in Aquarius include: writer John Steinbeck, poet Lord Byron, Arturo Toscanini, painter Henri Matisse, composer Frederic Chopin, Dick Van Dyke, Supreme Court justice Earl Warren, astronaut Walter Schirra, Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, playwright Edward Albee, and boxer Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali.
Saturday, Feb. 2 is Groundhog Day – an excellent day to view the movie of the same name, of course, but also to contemplate how we might break out of our various ruts.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

GREAT WEBSITES – In no particular order of importance: Check out — free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column:
This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at

Continue Reading January 18, 2013 at 9:31 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope Jan. 20-26, 2013

By Milky Way Maid

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

ALSO – see new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.

GREAT WEBSITES – In no particular order of importance: Check out — free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column:
This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at
ARIES – March 20-April 19 – The kids want an advance or increase in their allowance Sunday; bargain for increased duties. You amuse friends Tuesday morning. That night, a friend may be quite generous with assistance or advice. Fire signs get a moment in the spotlight Thursday. You will have to draw upon inner reserves to Get It All Done by yourself Friday. Goals related to children or creativity can get a boost from the favorable Full Moon this Saturday.

Continue Reading January 14, 2013 at 10:39 am

Your Milky Way Horoscope Jan. 13-19, 2013

Thomas Edison and his early phonograph. Croppe...

Thomas Edison and his early phonograph. Cropped from Library of Congress copy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Public Domain. 


By Milky Way Maid  


Venus at 9 degrees is conjunct Pluto at 8:27 pm Wednesday. Venus with Pluto says obsession to the point of destroying the one who rejects you, like in the movie “Fatal Attraction”. This Venus is searching for the soul mate who will complete her life.


Venus at 10 degrees Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Scorpio at 11:03 am Thursday. Venus-Saturn aspects can be very positive, adding stability to romantic or financial arrangements. Venus also helps Saturn types to gain a little social skill, such as schmoozing with the higher-ups.


The Sun is conjunct Mercury at 28 degrees Capricorn at 3:56 am Friday. A key point in the economic cycle, so keep one eye on the stock market and other indicators this week. If this falls on natal Sun or Mercury, you may be asked what you think about an issue, so have those note cards handy.


Mercury enters Aquarius at 2:25 am Saturday, and the Sun enters Aquarius at 4:52 pm. Mercury in Aquarius, like all air-sign planets, is very objective, sometimes to the point of being detached. Mercury here is also capable of recognizing and encouraging the individuality of others; some people can even reach a level where they are empathetic with others. Sun in Aquarius is able to lead without dominating others, possibly because they often handle things with a sense of humor and a humane perspective. Sun Aquarians can gain the cooperation of others by making people feel included in the management of the group. Famous people with Mercury in Aquarius include: Jackie Gleason, Thomas Edison, George Washington, FDR, Mia Farrow, Pope Pius XII, John L. Lewis. Famous people with Sun in Aquarius include: Charles Dickens, Thomas Edison, Abe Lincoln, W C Fields, Carol Channing, FDR, Shelley Berman, Mia Farrow, Wolfgang A. Mozart.


Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:



ALSO – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:



ALSOsee new article on The Goddess Archetypes: The Pallas Athena Myth at — also as you read it you may also avail yourself of the excellent QUESTIONNAIRE on the Goddess-Power website at to determine your own goddess profile.



GREAT WEBSITES In no particular order of importance: Check out — free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column:


This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at



Readers can follow not only their Sun sign horoscope but also their Ascendant for further clues to how your week will develop. NOTE: some aspects are exact on a weekend but may find opportunity for expression on the Friday or Monday nearest the exact aspect. Times given are in Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Savings Time depending on the season.



ARIESMarch 20-April 19 – The Moon is in Aries from 11:07 am Wednesday till Friday night. You might be obsessed Wednesday regarding something to do with career ambitions or your salary, possibly spurred by upsetting news on how much someone else is being paid. Cardinal signs are very emotionally stressed Thursday morning. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar eleventh house on Saturday; you may join a club, group, or team, or act as a spokesperson for one.



TAURUSApril 20-May 20 – The Moon is in Taurus from 8:36 pm Friday where it remains thru the weekend. Friday night is made for staying in and watching videos; have some popcorn on hand. You chant that new affirmation to yourself Saturday afternoon, and spend the next few hours getting lots done. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar tenth house of career on Saturday; your resume may receive scrutiny, and you could at last be called in for some interviews.



GEMINIMay 21-June 20 – Your employer may need a cleanup Monday morning in order to open for business. Both good and bad news may arrive on Wednesday. A humorous friend is a great relief Wednesday night. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar ninth house on Saturday; you may embark on a long trip or go back to school in some capacity. There is also a chance you may see your words in print.



CANCERJune 21-July 22 – A professional acquaintance may come to dinner Monday. Your mate is going through a bit of a crisis Wednesday. Cardinal signs are very emotionally stressed Thursday morning. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar eighth house on Saturday; you may be involved in a merger of some kind.



LEOJuly 23-Aug. 22 – A Monday morning illness should go away by midday. Health or workplace issues may come to a head on Wednesday. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar seventh house on Saturday; you may spend more time in one-to-one interaction, possibly in interviews or pairing up with a coworker on a project.



VIRGOAug. 23-Sept. 22 – Your spouse may need to be driven to work Monday morning. Monday night a child may bring a date to the dinner table. Wednesday may bring issues of romance and intimacy to a head. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar sixth house on Saturday; you may be forced to pay more attention to health issues, which you prefer to handle by enrolling in group exercise classes.



LIBRASept. 23-Oct. 22 – Wednesday may bring the announcement of an addition to the extended family. Cardinal signs are very emotionally stressed Thursday morning. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar fifth house on Saturday; you may mentally be on vacation, or at least spending more time on creative outlets and games.



SCORPIOOct. 23-Nov. 21 – A relative may announce an engagement Monday. Make sure to update computer security before Wednesday. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar fourth house on Saturday; you may spend more time at home with the kids or just cocooning. There is some chance of taking up the realty business.



SAGITTARIUSNov. 22-Dec. 21 – On Monday night you may get some good advice or tip from a family member. Wednesday may see some financial strains or interrupted cash flow. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar third house on Saturday; you may get much busier with errands and speaking engagements.



CAPRICORNDec. 22-Jan. 19 – You and Venus may invite a relative to dinner Monday. On Wednesday you may drastically change how you value yourself. Early Friday morning can be favorable for sales. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar second house on Saturday; you may find an accountant, or train yourself to do that job. Monday night favors having a relative over for dinner.



AQUARIUSJan. 20-Feb. 17 – The Moon is in Aquarius as the week begins (it goes void at 3:37 am) until Monday morning. The Moon’s only aspect Sunday is a conjunction to Mars at 3:37 am, which might be a good time to get up and do your workout indoors; try not to get into a fight with your mate. The rest of Sunday, stick to routine. The Sun and Mercury enter your sign on Saturday; you may be the focus of attention, getting your name in the paper or online, being interviewed by the press, and meeting tons of new people.



PISCESFeb. 18-March 19 – The Moon is in Pisces from 5:49 am Monday till midday Wednesday. Pisceans will be Mr Foggy-head during their Monday morning commute, so try to look alive. Dinner hour favors having a dear guest at the table. You might be up till midnight doing chores. Meet a friend for breakfast Wednesday. The Sun and Mercury enter your solar twelfth house on Saturday; you may go on a group retreat, or volunteer at a hospital. There is also the chance that repressed feelings or memories will bubble up and appear in your journal. 


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A gift to my lovely readers —

As a special gift to my readers I thought you might enjoy some background music. A terrific writer and geek found these archived radio recordings of the Beatles for a Swedish radio show way back when. He cleaned them up a bit and edited them, and here they are. Five songs in cool condition. So turn up the volume alright already.

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