Archive for March, 2010

Your Milky Way Horoscope April 4-10, 2010

Venus at 5 degrees Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn late Sunday; love and sex can get very intense under this transit. Relationships may be transformed or you may gain new insights into each other. Someone may suddenly turn out to be a lot deeper than you thought, once you’ve had a good chat with him or her.
Mercury at 3 degrees Taurus squares Mars in Leo at 12:17 am Monday. Use logic and reason when dealing with things you desire. You may have to negotiate with others over getting time off to pursue your hobbies or go on club outings. You might really enjoy a spirited debate (formal or informal), too, but don’t expect to change your opponent’s mind.
Mercury at 5 degrees Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn at 6:46 am Tuesday. This is excellent for research and detective work of any kind. Get out the deerstalker hat and gather your usual suspects together.
Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo (2:51 pm Wednesday, April 7), alas for Virgoans who were just beginning to relax. Time to tidy up any loose ends of matters unfinished when Saturn entered Libra last Oct. 29. You have until late July to get it done right this time, so get along there. At least the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) get a bit of a breather for the spring/summer.
Hey, got sick under a Sun square natal Mars transit. It ought to have given me a big burst of energy, but my bad habits and a bad batch of soup got me. Down I went with a case of food poisoning (I think). I needed the ‘inner cleanse’, like it or not. If one does not give an outlet for that Mars energy, one can easily get sick, so that is what happened to lazy me!

Continue Reading March 30, 2010 at 7:17 am

Your Milky Way Horoscope March 28-April 3, 2010

Venus enters her home sign of Taurus at 1:35 pm Wednesday, and boy is she glad to be back! Time to hang up her hat and put up her feet and maybe snack on a brownie. Sketches out the flower garden (because Venus trines Ceres on Friday) while the cat curls up at her feet, and the ipod plays Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Venus in Taurus is into material comfort, and the best use of Venus here is to share comforting acts, like exchanging back rubs with your partner. Venus in Taurus squares Mars in Leo on Saturday morn, bringing some sexual tension, but then again it’s so good to make up after a fight.
Mercury also enters Taurus, at 9:06 am Friday, but is not quite as at home here like Venus is. Mercury in Taurus likes to mull things over — a LOT. Mercury here likes to think about what he is going to say first, before shooting off his mouth. So don’t expect messages to be numerous and conversation to fly like the wind. The best use of Mercury here is to validate others’ suggestions and then go further by identifying how they can be brought into material reality.
Venus in Taurus is inconjunct Saturn at zero degrees Libra at 11:16 pm on Wednesday. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Taurus has been working (and worrying) hard, but now he needs to re-balance his life with some play and pleasure and having fun. Spring is sprung, with all that entails. Enjoy the greening fields and woods on local nature trails.

Continue Reading March 22, 2010 at 12:20 pm

Yikes, Comets Strike Our Sun

The Space Weather dot com website reports that FOUR comets struck the sun over the span of three days. On March 11, 12 and 13 these fragments of a giant comet that broke apart more than 200 years ago finally disappeared into the sun; the last event was a double hit. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory offers a movie of these events; unfortunately no popcorn comes with it but you can always make your own. The link for the movie is:
You might also check out this informative article from NASA for background info on other sungrazing comets at:

Continue Reading March 16, 2010 at 1:13 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope March 21-27, 2010

There are not a whole lotta major aspects this week. But there is good news for anyone who is looking to lose a few pounds or get fit (is that everybody?). The Sun (self) in Aries opposes Saturn (reducing; a strict regimen) in Libra, with Mars (exercise) in a helpful aspect to both, on Sunday. Sun trines Mars at 1:54 pm; Sun opposes Saturn at 8:37 pm; and Mars sextiles Saturn on Monday night at 11:53 pm. The fact that Mars is in Leo points to getting a good cardio workout from your new program. Saturn in the partnership sign of Libra suggests that having an exercise buddy or perhaps a personal trainer will help you stay on track.
A Grand Cross forms on Tuesday as the Moon in Cancer squares Saturn in Libra, Sun in Aries and then opposes Pluto in Capricorn. All the cardinal signs mentioned will be under stress, and awfully tempted to call it quits in whatever house issue is affected. Look at it this way: one chapter of your life may be ending, but another one is beginning just as the shoots of new grass are pushing up through the sod.
On Thursday at 11:45 pm, the Sun at 5 degrees of Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. This is a frustrating and yet intriguing square. One may be faced with seemingly relentless pressure, yet one also has the power to reinvent oneself. In fact, you may be forced to renovate your inner or outer self, or be forced by authority figures to to explain yourself. You come to a crossroads; your choice which road to take, of course.

Continue Reading March 14, 2010 at 3:50 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope March 14-20, 2010

Mercury and the Sun enter Aries this week — Mercury at midday Wednesday, and the Sun on the Spring Equinox at 1:32 pm Saturday. PLUS the Moon will be in Aries Tues.-mid-Thurs. So that means a whole lotta cardinal energy this week. People will be revving their engines, eager to get started on lots of projects and new chapters in their lives. But they will soon run head-on into Saturn in Libra, which says to them, unh-uh, no you don’t. So Arians and other cardinal types (Cancer, Capricorn, Libra) in your life will be particularly frustrated this week and next. Especially if natal planets are in early degrees of the signs. Try to be kind. Saturn opposing does help with keeping new diet or exercise resolutions, so don’t hesitate to try again this month.
On Sunday, the Sun is conjunct Mercury at 23 degrees, and the Moon conjunct Jupiter at 13 degrees, all in Pisces. Sun-Mercury is good for concentrating on details and for getting your views across, altho I ought to mention that your thoughts may go so fast that others may have trouble keeping up with you. You might make notes in a recorder or PDA so you don’t lose valuable insights. Moon-Jupiter is sunny and generous. You may be drawn to spiritual or metaphysical subjects now, and women may be lucky for you.
The New Moon at 25 degrees 10 minutes Pisces at 5:01 pm Monday energizes a stellium in Pisces of the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus. This is very mental, and electronics will figure in your day. Do not be surprised if psychic communications or unusual dreams burst upon your consciousness. Also keep an eye on the news (Mercury) of the day, since important announcements and events are likely to occur this week or month.
The Sun is conjunct Uranus at 26 degrees Pisces at 2:50 am Wednesday. This follows up on the energies of the New Moon on Monday. You feel the need to break out of a rut, explore new places, visit strange places or people. You may feel rebellious, or begin to truly liberate your thinking. Resisting these energies can make you accident-prone. Just suspend judgment for the time being and listen to others stories.
Early note for next week: The Sun opposes Saturn at 8:37 pm Sunday, March 21 at 1 degree Aries/Libra. Plus Sun trine Mars (exercise), this is excellent for starting a serious diet or exercise program so please dust off your treadmills and so forth. I started one physically demanding job on a Sun-Saturn conjunction and tho it was hard work, it paid off with quick results at the scale.

Continue Reading March 8, 2010 at 11:49 am

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A gift to my lovely readers —

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