Archive for May, 2014

Your Milky Way Horoscope May 25-31, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

Mercury at 29 Gemini sextiles Venus in Aries at 9:58 am Wednesday. This is followed by a New Moon at 7 degrees 21′ Gemini at 2:40 pm. Ooh, late degree of Aries and Gemini favors starting writing a book – any kind of book, a novel or cookbook or biography, just anything. Or if you really are not inclined to do any writing, you might take a very pleasant drive out to the countryside to see lovely signs of spring. You need to recharge your Beauty quota with scenic mountains or beach or fields. If it contacts native planets, you may find it easier to express your affection for dear ones. The Gemini New Moon will reinforce themes of communication (keeping things light, cocktail party chatter) as well as transit or travel. You may have to do more traveling for work, for example.
The Sun at 7 degrees Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces at 7:44 pm Wednesday. Any planet in combination with Neptune brings the risk of fraud or deception, but with the Sun there could indicate SELF-deception. You might be only fooling yourself if you minimize warning signs of trouble. Best to be proactive and check things out. Also a good chance of getting lost if you out looking for an address without good directions on how to get there.
Venus enters its home sign of Taurus at 9:46 pm Wednesday. Venus in Taurus likes to touch things. She likes the feel of silk, velour, polished stones or woods, and your nice peach-fuzzy face. Likes to smell the roses, too, or a bar of lavender soap, or any of zillions of small luxuries. Needs to learn to share material possessions, maybe loan out that garden tool or a book or two. Some people feel that there is no such thing as platonic love where a Venus Taurus is involved, but I am not so sure about that. Venus in Taurus is pretty conventional, preferring to marry rather than live with someone or play the field, although in later life they might feel that such rules don’t matter anymore. They want to fall in love and know that it will last forever. Has artistic sensitivities, and may be a musician, artist, or a mere collector of pretty things. FAMOUS PEOPLE with Venus in Taurus include: Doris Day, Charlie Chaplin, Richard Wagner, Bobby Darin, Ann-Margret, Paul McCartney, Hayley Mills, and Prince Edward.
Mercury enters Cancer at 5:12 am Thursday. Mercury (or the Moon) in Cancer has a prodigious memory, especially memories that are emotionally loaded. If well aspected, they are often great ones for knowing historical facts and dates. Sometimes their rational mind can be overwhelmed by emotional thoughts, so that their communication with other is at times filled with an emotional content that is not appropriate to the situation. Is capable of great emotional sensitivity and empathy, and can reach out to others in a caring way. Can be remarkably intuitive, of knowing something without knowing HOW they know it. Usually prefers to make decisions based on precedent rather than on daring innovations. Sometimes collects antiques or historical relics. FAMOUS PEOPLE with Mercury in Cancer include: actress Leslie Caron, Nelson and David Rockefeller, composer Igor Stravinsky, educator Thomas Mann, pianist Van Cliburn, singer-composer Paul Anka, Mary McCarthy.
Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

Continue Reading May 23, 2014 at 2:28 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope May 18-24, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

Venus at 17-18 degrees Aries squares Jupiter in Cancer at 11:31 am Sunday. Vesta at 16 degrees Libra, and Ceres at 19 Libra, pull opposite Venus, and Chiron at 17 Pisces trines Jupiter. Vesta in Libra martyrs themselves for others, while Ceres there is always concerned with fairness and honesty. I could see someone willingly stepping aside from a relationship or marriage just to make the other person happy. Chiron is often the bond between two life partners, but it can be the wound that causes them to separate for good, too. It all seems to add up to a divorce or legal separation for some of us. With the Venus-Jupiter square, a strong urge to socialize finds expression, although resistance to tempting buffets is low so take along someone who will help you maintain your willpower.
Mars at 9 degrees 2′ Libra is Stationary Direct (SD) at 9:31 pm Monday. (This is closely inconjunct Juno at 12 degrees Taurus which may produce some surprises for natives of these signs.) Matters that seemed to have the brakes on, will suddenly start to lurch forward, so hang on to the roof strap and hang on tight. You may have had to put some things to the side until a health problem was resolved – let me add that I have had to delay some health procedures until I finished a course of medication as a treatment resulting from an emergency several months ago. You may have had to face the fact that you cannot take your health for granted any more. You may finally be able to finish some projects that had been put on hold. Your frustrations over these delays may suddenly burst forth and not in a healthy way; count ten, count a hundred, punch a pillow or take a walk! Then go forth, wiser and healthier, probably with better habits diet-wise or exercise-wise. Your energy may return at long last, possibly with the adoption of yoga, breathing exercises, Tai Chi routines, and the like. One’s energy tends to return when one has begun to focus on a Purpose or Intent behind one’s actions; having a goal tends to help us find the energy to reach it! Good Luck!
The Sun enters Gemini at 10:59 pm Tuesday. (The Sun squares Pallas just entering Virgo. Pallas in Virgo may make a career out of service in a constructive way. Geminis have Pallas in their solar fourth house, so they might start a home business, possibly related to clothing, accessories, or other textile arts.) Gemini Sun-Sign people are not exactly shallow, but they do want to experience a lot of variety in life, so they skip from one activity to another, one idea to another, etc. hardly giving themselves time to delve deeply into any one thing. They charm others with sparkling conversation and wit, but because they often refuse to discuss personal feelings they keep others at arm’s length. They do have a gift for setting others at ease at first meeting, and they give others the chance to express themselves verbally. Geminis enjoy sampling a wide range of ideas and experiences. Memory is good, but too often they just remember enough to recite by rote. Health can be iffy, as Gemini is often prone to lung ailments. Geminis often have two or more sources of income, sometimes from wildly different jobs. They may even have two love interests at the same time, as they dither over which one is the Real Thing. Geminis love to travel, and their jobs may require them to report to more than one office or meet clients face to face in other offices or the client’s home.
Famous people with the Sun in Gemini include: Judy Garland, composers Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss, John F Kennedy, actors James Arness and John Wayne, author William Styron, poet Walt Whitman, Thomas Mann, Robert McNamara, Bob Hope, Beatle Paul McCartney, David and Laurence Rockefeller, Jets quarterback Joe Namath, Bob Dylan, Howard Hawks, Andy Griffith, F Lee Bailey, Helen Hunt.
Jupiter at 19 degrees Cancer trines Saturn in Scorpio at 1:48 pm Saturday. This can mark a good time to start/expand a business (or website) or work towards realizing an ambition. You may feel like reaching out to parent others, even parent the whole world (this might be the sign Cancer talking), but try not to step on other’s need for independence. Cancer can be rather ambitious, and both signs can be quite practical as well as emotional – so this might be a good time to work out practical ways to satisfy your emotional needs.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

COOL WEBSITES – In no particular order of importance: Check out — free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column:
This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at

Readers can follow not only their Sun sign horoscope but also their Ascendant for further clues to how your week will develop. NOTE: some aspects are exact on a weekend but may find opportunity for expression on the Friday or Monday nearest the exact aspect. Times given are in Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Savings Time depending on the season.

ARIES – March 20-April 19 – The Sun enters your solar third house on Tuesday night; you may help others to share info, possibly by starting a community swap or bulletin board. The Moon is in Aries from 12:01 pm Friday till midday next Sunday (May 25). You enjoy a visit to a bookstore or a night on the town Friday. Early risers Saturday push themselves thru a super workout. Midday Saturday can be frustrating when a planned event is canceled; don’t let it upset your equilibrium.

TAURUS – April 20-May 20 – Mars goes direct in your solar sixth house Monday night; be careful to follow your doctor’s advice in all things health-related. The Sun enters your solar second house on Tuesday night; the Sun may truly shine on finances and you enjoy applying some of your funds to things that reflect your values. The Moon in compatible Pisces Thursday aligns in such a way that your friends, relatives or neighbors, and partners are more emotionally receptive and giving.

GEMINI – May 21-June 20 – Mars goes direct in your solar fifth house Monday night; you get revved up over a sports event, or may meet an exciting, athletic new beau. The Sun enters your sign on Tuesday night; you may be put in the spotlight, with opportunities to verbally express yourself and possibly draw out others in a public venue, such as in a talk show or interview situation. Don’t make career decisions Wednesday night, because your feelings are too chaotic and nebulous.

CANCER – June 21-July 22 – Mars goes direct in your solar fourth house Monday night; you might refinance the house, but be aware of interest rates in any contract you sign. The Sun enters your solar twelfth house on Tuesday night; be careful of saying too much or saying something where you may be overheard by others. Thursday afternoon and Saturday are great for emotional expression whether through the arts or personal relationships; you figure out how to get your emotional needs fulfilled.

LEO – July 23-Aug. 22 – Mars goes direct in your solar third house Monday night; look over emails and letters before sending them out, lest you phrase things awkwardly and insult someone. The Sun enters your solar eleventh house on Tuesday night; lots more chatter among friends plus the ability to make strangers feel like they have known you for ages. Friday afternoon favors pleasant times with friends or volunteering. Don’t let a friend upset your equilibrium Saturday afternoon.

VIRGO – Aug. 23-Sept. 22 – Mars goes direct in your solar second house Monday night; check the bottom line on any sales or other contract for the interest rates or other fees you are expected to pay. The Sun enters your solar tenth house on Tuesday night; you may receive public recognition, or have a microphone thrust in your face. Wednesday does not favor trying to achieve quality time with your mate; try Thursday afternoon or evening instead when he or she is more receptive.

LIBRA – Sept. 23-Oct. 22 – Mars goes direct in your sign Monday night; your energy levels may return to normal over the next few weeks, as you apply them to a renewed sense of purpose. The Sun enters your solar ninth house on Tuesday night; you may take on a teaching role, or go to the courthouse to resolve matters. Friday night is better for date night with your spouse; you may have to calm him or her down Saturday afternoon over some insignificant upset.

SCORPIO – Oct. 23-Nov. 21 – On Sunday you may decide that you need to change doctors or try some other type of medical treatment. The Sun enters your solar eighth house on Tuesday night; you talk about forbidden subjects. You may have an easier time discussing sensitive subjects with your mate Tuesday afternoon. Thursday afternoon and Saturday are great for emotional expression whether through the arts or personal relationships; you figure out how to get your emotional needs fulfilled.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov. 22-Dec. 21 – Mars goes direct in your solar eleventh house Monday night; channel your energy into a friendly rivalry with friends – with the accent on FRIENDLY. The Sun enters your seventh second house on Tuesday night; you demand to be treated as an equal and try to talk out differences with your mate. On Wednesday the accent is on family matters but you may not have all the facts in hand to make a good decision on what must be done. Saturday afternoon you may have to help one of the kids handle being upset over something insignificant.

CAPRICORN – Dec. 22-Jan. 19 – The Moon is in Capricorn from Sunday till Monday morning. Early risers may find a lovely surprise Sunday morning. You enjoy lunch with a mentor type or older friend. Monday night’s Mars station in your solar tenth house renews your career ambitions. The Sun enters your solar sixth house on Tuesday night; you may edit the company newsletter or at least contribute a column. Expect the unexpected to upset the schedule Friday afternoon. You might help your mate start to realize his or her ambitions Saturday.

AQUARIUS – Jan. 20-Feb. 17 – The Moon is in Aquarius from 5:58 am Monday till Wednesday morning. Monday night may see you decide to follow through with a legal case. Drive carefully on your Tuesday morning commute. Late afternoon Tuesday favors calls and messages to loved ones as well as professional people. The Sun enters your solar fifth house on Tuesday night; you verbally flirt with a lot more people, and find ways to be a kid again, looking for the fun in everything.

PISCES – Feb. 18-March 19 – The Sun enters your solar fourth house on Tuesday night; you feel it is important to draw out family members more, also you may desire a change of scene and fill that need by redecorating for a whole new look. The Moon is in Pisces from 8:18 am Wednesday till midday Friday. Wednesday night does not favor decision-making of any kind. However, Thursday afternoon into evening is stellar for expressing your emotions in artwork or finding other constructive outlets for your emotional needs.

Continue Reading May 12, 2014 at 12:00 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope May 11-17, 2014

By Milky Way Maid

Dear Readers– Please visit the website of the National Blood Clot Alliance at to learn more about blood clots and when you might need to see a doctor about it.

Venus at 9 degrees Aries opposes Mars in Libra at 5:27 am Sunday. Some of us may be attracted to a new love interest but it will be based primarily on a physical attraction, which may or may not have anything more substantial to maintain it. Those who are already in a relationship may find this transit magnifies whatever is already in the situation, for good or ill. You may feel like the Other person is to blame for anything wrong in the relationship. You might sublimate frustrations into creative work, rather than take things out on your partner. Creative energy is stimulated by conflict, sometimes working things out in painting or pottery or any other craft.
Mercury at 7 degrees Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces at 8:35 am Sunday. This is just about the definition of confusion. Verbal or written instructions can be garbled, you can easily get lost while driving or miss your connection if flying. You might feel a little spacey, a little out of touch with the here-and-now. The transit can favor studying unusual subjects like metaphysics, the mystical, things like reincarnation, numerology, astrology, tarot, etc. It is not a day for signing contracts of any kind, especially if looking for a car, computer, horse, etc.
Venus at 13 degrees Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn at 1:47 pm Wednesday. Venus square Pluto is said to signify romantic obsession, sometimes to the degree of someone like Glenn Close in “Fatal Attraction.” You could meet someone that you feel is a soul mate, but there are obstacles, or one party rejects the other.
Venus at 14 degrees Aries is conjunct Uranus at 7:54 pm Thursday. Leading up to that conjunction, Mercury makes sextiles to Venus and then Uranus starting at 5:54 pm. Venus conjunct Uranus often brings a sudden romance (or at least an introduction to) a new love interest, with the new person having something unusual about them such as an accent or a strange way of dressing-thinking-supporting themselves. Uranus is sometimes the foreigner, so you may meet someone from a different country (hence the accent). Usually these alliances are not durable, but they are sure interesting while they last! Very rarely this transit may bring sudden windfalls (or sudden expenses) if they contact a natal planet, the second house cusp, or the ruler of your second house.

Please visit my twin site on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link:

LATE DEGREES – see my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link:

POPE FRANCIS – I finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here:

COOL WEBSITES – In no particular order of importance: Check out — free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at Go to for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column:
This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at

Readers can follow not only their Sun sign horoscope but also their Ascendant for further clues to how your week will develop. NOTE: some aspects are exact on a weekend but may find opportunity for expression on the Friday or Monday nearest the exact aspect. Times given are in Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Savings Time depending on the season.

ARIES – March 20-April 19 – Sunday’s Venus-Mars opposition can be pretty good for spending time with your life partner, as long as you can let the other person pick what to do next sometimes. On Monday you may have an urge to take a day trip with your mate, or at least start planning a weekend getaway. You may feel pessimistic about health issues Wednesday, but that will pass. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your sign Thursday night could make you irresistible due to your independent spirit, which is just one of your charms.

TAURUS – April 20-May 20 – Spending may be on the agenda for Monday, just make sure you have checked out the market values so you don’t overpay for a car, for example. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Scorpio will probably accent partnership issues; beware tendencies toward obsession or domination. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your twelfth house Thursday night could usher in a secret love, someone who is very different from you but totally irresistible.

GEMINI – May 21-June 20 – Sunday morning’s Venus-Mars opposition can spur creative juices, so pull out your paints, clay or camera to express yourself with. On Monday try to do a bit of brainstorming to come up with creative solutions to personal or romantic problems. Wednesday’s Full Moon accents workplace issues, where you might get drawn into a drama that really does you no good. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your eleventh house Thursday night could bring a new and fascinating addition to your circle of friends.

CANCER – June 21-July 22 – Sunday’s Venus-Mars opposition could mean stress from trying to balance home and career demands. Wednesday’s Full Moon in compatible Scorpio accents children or romantic prospects, where you may obsess about one or the other when you really need to step back a moment. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your tenth house Thursday night could bring unexpected perks or even a raise from your employer. Stick to routines on Friday. The internet is confusing Saturday afternoon, make sure you read those movie listings correctly.

LEO – July 23-Aug. 22 – It is useless to argue with a professor or lawyer Sunday (or Monday). You may enjoy a day trip with some friends Monday; you ought to at least jump at an offer of such a trip in the near future. Wednesday’s Full Moon puts the accent on home and family, with work-related travel putting some stress on family ties. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your ninth house Thursday night could bring an unexpected decision in a legal matter, with a payment or windfall as the result.

VIRGO – Aug. 23-Sept. 22 – The Venus-Mars opposition puts stresses on finances (your vs ours) so you may be working out a division of responsibilities for assorted bills. Wednesday’s Full Moon affects transit, education, or communications; I suspect that financing of college tuition for the kids is the major issue here. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your eighth house Thursday night could affect finances one way or another in an unexpected way. Stick to routine stuff Friday. On Saturday you enjoy visiting a local attraction or restaurant with your mate.

LIBRA – Sept. 23-Oct. 22 – The Moon is in Libra from Sunday (Mother’s Day) till Monday night. Early risers Sunday have plenty of energy to tackle a beautification project such as painting, weeding out clothes from the closet, etc. The afternoon may frustrating if you were counting on someone to come and lend a hand, who does not show up. Sunday’s Venus-Mars opposition can be pretty good for spending time with your life partner, as long as you can let the other person pick what to do next sometimes. The Moon is void from almost 9 pm Sunday night till it enters Scorpio about 9 pm Monday, so stick to routine matters during that time. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your seventh house Thursday night could usher in a fascinating and unusual love interest or partner, at least for the short term.

SCORPIO – Oct. 23-Nov. 21 – The Moon is in Scorpio from 9:07 pm Monday till early Thursday. Mid-morning on Tuesday is probably going to be either chaotic or idealistic, but either way your work may suffer. You may benefit from a chat with a mentor-type Tuesday night. Wednesday morning favors knuckling down to getting lots of work done, so have your to-do list ready to tackle. Let a partner shine in the spotlight Wednesday afternoon. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your sixth house Thursday night could bring an unusual coworker to the workplace.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov. 22-Dec. 21 – The Moon is in Sag from 1:44 am Thursday till Saturday morning. Thursday afternoon is probably going to be confusing and your brain will just not get into gear, so it is best to either hand the reins to someone else or stick to routine. Romantic matters could take a surprising turn Thursday night, or you could meet a fascinating new love interest who has an accent. The Moon is void all day Friday so stick to routine matters.

CAPRICORN – Dec. 22-Jan. 19 – Sunday’s Venus-Mars opposition could mean stress from trying to balance home and career demands. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your fourth house Thursday night could signal hosting an unusual visitor, perhaps a foreign exchange student. The Moon is in Capricorn from 4:12 am Saturday thru the weekend. The afternoon favors enjoying a matinee at the cinema, or possibly swimming in a nice heated pool. You hurry too much Saturday night and may wind up having to redo your work.

AQUARIUS – Jan. 20-Feb. 17 – Sunday’s Venus-Mars opposition may trigger debates over beliefs, theories, or practical application of abstract values. Midday Monday favors holding a brainstorming session, possibly with other air signs; write down every loony idea for evaluation later. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your third house Thursday night could bring a “phone call from a stranger” or probably just an email from someone you have not heard from in quite a while. Stick to routines Friday.

PISCES – Feb. 18-March 19 – Creative energies may be stimulated by the Venus-Mars opposition Sunday, so pull out your paints or clay or yarn to express yourself with. Wednesday’s Full Moon in compatible Scorpio could reactivate a legal matter. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your second house Thursday night could mean unexpected bills or if you are very lucky, a bit of a financial windfall. Impulsive spending Friday can easily blow the budget. Saturday favors spending time with friends.

Continue Reading May 6, 2014 at 6:30 pm

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A gift to my lovely readers —

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