Archive for August, 2008

Your Milky Way Horoscope Aug. 31-Sept. 6 2008

Happy Holiday weekend to everyone! The long days of summer wind down to short, brisk autumn days. Let this issue be The Three-Day Weekend issue, covering what each sign likes to do on its long weekends/short vacations. I will still cover where the Moon is all week, and the major aspect or aspects of the week, but the focus will be on recreation and relaxation — R&R.
The Sun makes a conjunction with big bad old Saturn late afternoon on Wed. in Virgo. This may not be all bad if you always wanted to organize your closet, junk drawer, and recipe file, and clear out the email inbox. It is also good for planning and organizing; get a bunch of Virgos together to analyze an issue and work out a solution. Just resist organizing someone else’s life — no one has the right to do that to another adult. If this conjunction falls in your tenth house, this aspect can bring an award, honor, or other recognition. Congrats!
For weekly horoscopes and more go to my Blogger site at — See you there!

Continue Reading August 29, 2008 at 12:29 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope Aug. 24-30

Happy birthday to Virgo! Your sign actually started Aug. 23, but this is the first full week that is all yours. You share your sign with a surprising number of famous dancers (as do Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn). Famous Virgo dancers include Gene Kelly, Agnes deMille, Marge Champion, Lola Falana, and Mitzi Gaynor. Virgo as an earth sign pushes off from the ground, and as a mutable sign, these natives usually master several different styles.
The biggest celestial action this week is that Mercury squares Pluto — sounds like a good week for research and investigation — even to the point of obsession — and for printed news about any studies or scandals. Fields as varied as psychology, yoga, astrology and other occult topics are in the spotlight, or you may begin a study of one of these subjects. There is also the chance that someone may try to coerce (Pluto) you into thinking (Mercury) a certain way, or toe the party line. Tell them to back off and that you have some brain cells of your own. Oh dear, then Venus squares Pluto on Friday. This is often linked to romantic obsession of some kind — like the fans who scale estate walls to mingle with a movie star’s party.

Continue Reading August 22, 2008 at 7:53 pm

Cher — Horoscope “Snapshot”

A Taurus Sun with Moon in Capricorn and Cancer rising would produce someone who really wants to achieve a level of material success. There was the story of when she and Sonny Bono drove past a large mansion when they were still struggling; she remarked how she loved that house and wanted to live there one day. Wonder of wonders, but eventually she and Sonny did buy and love into that same house.

Continue Reading August 22, 2008 at 7:50 pm

New Object Discovered at Edge of the Solar System

New planet found in Oort cloud. 2006 SQ372 is just over two billion miles from Earth, a bit closer than the planet Neptune. Send out the Welcome Wagon.

Continue Reading August 22, 2008 at 7:48 pm

Your Milky Way Horoscope Aug. 17-23

Mercury is conjunct Venus on Thursday morning. This should be good news for the stock market because sellers and buyers agree on a price that reflects a decent value (a Venus word). Volume should be up. Venus buyers generally buy to hold, or at least till they have made a profit. The conjunction is in the sign of Virgo, who is usually a very discriminating shopper, so he or she probably has set a limit on how much he’ll pay for a stock. Actually Virgo prefers to work for their money so this conjunction may say something about labor agreements or the unemployment index. See also the Earth sign Grand Trine under Taurus horoscope.

Continue Reading August 15, 2008 at 8:46 pm

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A gift to my lovely readers —

As a special gift to my readers I thought you might enjoy some background music. A terrific writer and geek found these archived radio recordings of the Beatles for a Swedish radio show way back when. He cleaned them up a bit and edited them, and here they are. Five songs in cool condition. So turn up the volume alright already.

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