Looking back at Prince William’s “cracked skull” accident when he was a boy

December 19, 2012 at 12:08 am

by Milky Way Maid

Several years ago, it was in all the papers and was also mentioned in a book on the royals. But now in 2012, not many people seem to remember when Prince William had to be rushed to the hospital with a head injury.

The event may even have been foreshadowed in an eerie occurrence at his baptismal ceremony. Reports were that the candle lit during the ceremony by his parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, flickered but did not go out. The Archbishop of Canterbury had baptized the infant, and handed the lit candle to the father, Charles. The windows were open and as a terrific storm gathered, a gust blew through the church, causing the candle to flicker. This was believed to predict a crisis in the young prince’s future, but that he would survive whatever it was – according to a psychic, Van der Post.

On page 410 of Kitty Kelley’s massive book, The Royals, she wrote,


“Prince William was accidentally hit on the head with a golf club, which fractured his skull, necessitating emergency surgery. Diana, who was at San Lorenzo restaurant when she received the news, hurried to her son’s side an spent two night in the hospital with him until he could come home. Charles visited him for a few minutes after his surgery but did not otherwise interrupt his schedule. He said he had to attend a performance of Tosca. The press was appalled. “What Kind of Dad Are You?” shrieked a Sun headline. Jean Rook in the Daily Express asked: “What sort of father of an eight-year-old [sic] boy, nearly brained by a golf club, leaves the hospital before knowing the outcome for a night at the opera?”


The facts are as follows:

Birth of Prince William was on June 21, 1982 at 9:03 pm. He weighed 7 lbs, 5 ounces.

His full name is William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor.

The accident took place on June 3, 1991, and he was admitted to Royal Berkshire Hospital. He was operated on at Great Ormond Street Hospital for a depressed fracture of the skull.

Prince William 2-ring chart

(Chart made using WinStar Express software. Data given in article.)

In an article printed in the Daily Mail, Prince William made light of it.          BEGIN QUOTE

Prince William was interviewed on Newsround by 10-year-old cancer sufferer Alice.

“Yeah, we were on a putting green and the next thing you know there was a seven-iron and it came out of nowhere and it hit me in the head.” END QUOTE

ITN Source dot com adds that Princess Diana rode in the ambulance with William, although it is not clear which hospital was the destination for that ride.

So – I made up a two-ring chart with the inner circle for Prince William’s birth time and the outer circle for the accident. It is frustrating when the things that you think will show up on a chart are not there, isn’t it?

No Mars or Saturn or Uranus on the ascendant. He was having a lunar return, and transiting Sun was conjunct natal Mars in the sixth house of health. Mercury was transiting over Algol in Taurus in the fifth house of games and sports, opposite natal Uranus in Scorpio.

What strikes me most is not that the transiting planets are merely contacting natal planets, they are transiting natal HOUSE CUSPS. The House Cusps are possibly more sensitive than the natal planets and can often be used to time life events.

So that’s all I know about this one.

Entry filed under: Event Horoscope, Famous People. Tags: , , , , .

Your Milky Way Horoscope Dec. 23-29, 2012 Your Milky Way Horoscope Dec. 30-Jan. 5, 2012

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