Posts tagged ‘prediction’

Using Astrology to Predict the Number of Children One Will Have

by Milky Way Maid
One of the most popular questions in any astrological life reading consultation is how many children one is likely to have.
The best technique I have seen to handle this question is one promoted by prominent astrologer Carol Rushman. We will take a few charts and see how her method works.
The method is as follows:
1- Assuming you have drawn up an accurate birth chart, look to the fifth house of children. Determine the traditional ruler of the sign on the cusp of the fifth house.
Note that we will use the traditional rulers, although in the case of signs that have gained a modern ruling planet with the discovery of more planets in our solar system, we will of course try using the new ruler to see what that yields.
This means that the ruler we will use for Pisces is Jupiter, for Aquarius is Saturn, and for Scorpio is Mars.
2- Determine how many planets that ruler is APPLYING to. For the purposes of this exercise, we use only the classical aspects of conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. Do not count the semi-sextile or inconjunct.
So, for example, if the ruler of the fifth house is Venus at 10 degrees Cancer, and it is applying to a sextile to Mercury in Virgo, a square to Jupiter in Libra, a trine to Pluto in Scorpio, and an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn, then that would mean a potential for four children.

Continue Reading August 14, 2013 at 2:01 am 14 comments

What Do the Stars Say About Super Bowl 2011?

by Milky Way Maid
At last we come to the Super Bowl 2011, the premier game day in all of pro football and an unofficial mid-winter holiday. It is a peak day for TV viewing, eating, drinking, betting on the outcome, watching TV commercials, and all the other hoopla that accompanies this event.
But let’s concentrate on the game, and on what the stars might say about the outcome.
First, let’s look at the ascendant which represents the home team or the favorite. There is no home team in the Super Bowl, so we will try to scope out which team is the fave later in this article. Right now,let’s just examine the aspects.
The date: Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011. Kickoff will be approximately 5:25 pm CT in Dallas Stadium, which is in Arlington, TX (halfway between Dallas and Ft. Worth).
That makes the ascendant 10 degrees Leo, with no aspects. This is quite startling for a major game like this.
The midheaven is 3 degrees Taurus, square Mercury in the sixth house. It is also trine Venus exactly in the fifth house (the game plan) with Pluto nearby. It is also sextile the South Node in the eleventh house of hopes/wishes. I think the quarterback will be the main story of the day, a youngish and attractive one. That seems to point to up-and-comer Aaron Rodgers rather than older veteran Ben Roethlisberger.

The ascendant ruler is the Sun in Aquarius; it is placed in the seventh house with Mars conjunct. That gives it high energy and vitality, although prone to accidents and temper tantrums. However, the Sun is trine retrograde Saturn in Libra, giving it the discipline to harness all that energy. Also the Sun is semisquare Venus in the fifth house, and semisquare Jupiter in the ninth house — that puts the Sun at the midpoint of Venus/Jupiter in other words. I am not experienced in using midpoints so I will leave the interpretation of that to others, although it does look auspicious.

Continue Reading February 1, 2011 at 4:45 pm Leave a comment

Claims Nostradamus Foretold BP Disaster in 1555 in Quatrain 29

An unusual article tying in a quatrain written by Nostradamus to the BP oil disaster now spoiling the Caribbean gulf.

Continue Reading June 30, 2010 at 6:07 pm Leave a comment

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